Multiphysics analysis has been developed over the recent past to better represent the behaviour of complex processes by the use of simultaneous modelling of a number of systems. This development is driven by the industrial need to further the understanding of real physical phenomena in order to develop and design safer and more efficient products which are environmentally friendly. Such analyses and investigations were impossible to perform a number of years ago due to a lack of powerful computing systems.
The International Society of Multiphysics acts as a focus for studies, which demand simultaneous addressing of hitherto separate physical disciplines and combining them to generate relational mathematical models and validate them with controlled experiments to enhance the understanding of natural behaviour with a view to improving the quality of lives and promote an environmentally sustainable future.
The aim of the society is to enable all those interested in Multiphysics to discuss and disseminate the most up-to-date research findings for purposes of product and process improvements. This will encompass maximisation of Multiphysics dialogue across national borders at all levels, collaboration between researchers, institutions, industry and governments, and development of curriculum for the higher education sectors worldwide.
The objective is to be recognised by all relevant agencies as a society which promotes the integration of multi-disciplinary sciences and contributes to the future needs of scientific advancement.